Friday, September 30, 2005

We're Pregnant!!

That’s right… WE’RE PREGNANT!!

We decided to start trying so I went off the pill at the end of July. Me being the fertile-myrtle that I am, we got pregnant two weeks later! Needless to say, we weren’t expecting it to happen so quickly but were very excited that God’s planning is not ours! :)

I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant yet so I asked Nelson if I could go to Rite-Aid to pick up a pregnancy test. He of course said, “You know that we won’t get pregnant this quickly, so why don’t we wait a few days and see what happens”. Well, me being the impatient person I am, as soon as Nelson went to work, I left for Rite-Aid!

I came home with a box of two pregnancy tests and immediately took the first one. I waited the recommended three minutes and nervously came back to the test. It was negative. “How can it be negative?” I thought. Nelson was right, I should have waited. What were our chances of getting pregnant the first time around anyway? Pretty low odds, I’m sure. So, I went back to Rite-Aid and bought a bag of candy pumpkins (my favorite fall candy) and proceeded to eat the entire bag.

Sometime in mid-afternoon, I decided to take the second test. Maybe the first one was inaccurate and I wanted to just be sure! Well, I took that test and didn’t bother leaving the room for the results to appear… I hovered over it for the complete three minutes. It also was negative! And my first thought was, “Darn it, I’m out of pumpkins”!

So then Nelson comes home, knowing that I’ve eaten the entire bag of pumpkins and am just a little down. :) He asks to see the tests and starts looking at the directions and package. He starts laughing and comes over to kiss me but I’m looking at him wondering if he’s caught Mad Cow Disease. “What is he laughing at”, I thought. He hugs me and then proceeds to explain that the test is negative if there is only one line. The test is positive if there are two lines – even if one line is very faint … like in both of my tests!

Just to be sure, we went back to Rite-Aid and got a digital test. Within a matter of seconds, the test appeared positive. I WAS PREGNANT! We then proceeded to go celebrate at our favorite restaurant, Carrabbas. What a day! :)


At 5:06 PM, September 30, 2005, Blogger kirsten said...

Congratulations! You know I am so excited for you!! Congratulations also on entering the world of blogging. Your family and friends will be very grateful you are doing this. You and Nelso, and your child will also be very grateful. Having a record of everything that happens during pregnancy is something many people often hope to do, but never follow through with. I am proud of you!!

At 5:07 PM, September 30, 2005, Blogger kirsten said...

oops! left out the 'n' in Nelson!


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