Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Trip to Grandma & Grandpa's House

As some of you know, this year my cousin Adam is a freshman at Cedarville University (our alma mater). His parents and brother dropped him off this past weekend and came up to our house for a visit, where Emily and I then hitched a ride with them to WI to see my parents and family. We'll be here for almost two weeks and then Nelson is joining us over Labor Day Weekend.

The trip yesterday was a long one -- about 12 hours -- but it went really well. We were a tad concerned about Emily being in the car for that long, but she did wonderfully! We stopped for gas, lunch and a "fussy-break" for Emily but were at my parents' home by 5:30 last night. Emily did really well but was very excited (aka fussy) to get out of the car! She even got to meet her Great-Grandma when we got here -- it was a nice "Welcome Home"!

Here are a few pictures from our trip and arrival home. I'll keep posting pictures while I'm up here in WI, so stay tuned . . . :)


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