Wednesday, August 06, 2008

1 Month Check-Up

Alex had his 1 Month Check-up today and surprised Dr. Joyce by how big he has gotten. He now weighs 10 lbs 12 ozs (56%) and is 22.5" long (66%). He is mostly torso but does have fairly long legs too. He got his HepB shot today and did not like that at all -- can't blame the little guy, huh?!

He is on a pretty good schedule now and eats every 3 hours, but every 4 at night. (Those nights of 6 hours were apparently a fluke.) We have him sleeping on his belly now and he really seems to do better with that than when he was on his back. He is starting to smile more and can hold up his head for a little while (which I tried to get in these photos). He LOVES his floor-gym and is starting to play with the toys a lot more. He is a real snuggle-bug and is just as precious as can be! :)


At 7:35 PM, August 06, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Love the outfit!


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