Friday, September 19, 2008

Power Outage

That's right -- we have power again! We lost power with a big wind storm that came through on Sunday and finally got our power back on Wednesday. We are the lucky ones though -- there are still those without any around here! The weird thing of it all was that our next door neighbors had power and people down the street in the other direction had power -- there were about 6 houses on our street that had nothing. Strange, huh?! But praise God that we have great neighbors -- they ran an extension cord from their house into ours so that we could at least plug in the fridge and a lamp! Nelson said it was like camping, just in your own house and with running water. It actually wasn't too bad and Nelson and I had a lot of time to talk and just relax. It's amazing how little you can do once the sun sets. :)

Emily and I played dress up one day with some hats, scarves, gloves and of course her rain boots! :)

And here is a picture of me after Emily styled my hair -- pretty isn't, it? I think a career in hair-styling might be out of the question for her! :)

This is a picture of the moon from our backyard. It's hard to tell but we saw more stars this week than we even new were visible from our house. It was beautiful! :)

We were actually very fortunate because the weather here has been gorgeous -- sunny and low 70's -- a great week for no power (and no AC)! :)

And here is our little man -- isn't he all spiffy! :)


At 6:35 AM, September 20, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Love the hair! I need my hair you think Emily could do it for me next week??? :-)


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