Sunday, December 28, 2008

6 Months Old

Laughing is something that comes easily to Alex and he does this often! He is such a wonderful little guy and it's hard to believe he is already 6 months old! He is sleeping much better at night now (rarely waking up to eat anymore), but that might have something to do with how much he eats during the day! He . . . loves . . . food! He eats cereal and fruits/veggies 3 times a day, plus a bottle 4-5 times a day. We haven't given him any food yet that he doesn't like (including broccoli, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, chicken noodle soup, prunes, bananas, peaches, apple sauce -- you name it!). :)

His favorite activities are playing in his exer-saucer or watching Emily. She mesmerizes him and everything she does is funny! They get along so well and we just couldn't ask for a better relationship between them. We just love our little guy and it's hard to believe he's 6 months old! :)


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