Here are the remaining pictures from Christmas in Colorado. We had such a wonderful visit and can't wait to see everyone again (and get back to Colorado too)! The weather was spectacularly warm and sunny and it was one of the nicest Christmas' we've had in a while! The kids have started understanding the Santa tradition and it was really fun to watch them open their gifts this year! Hope and pray that you all had a very, Merry Christmas and your New Year has started off well! :)

Isn't that a great picture of the kids with Nana & Papa?! :)

The kids had to have a turn going up the ladder with Papa! :)

Forever Sisters!

We took a drive one day and stopped at a lookout point - such a beautiful place! :)

We couldn't find Curt and the kids one morning and this is what we found. What a great uncle! :)

Alex got a dinosaur book and some toy dinos from Nana & Papa -- you should have heard that "ROAR"! :)

Isaac perfectly posed with some Christmas bells. He has grown so much and I loved snuggling with him! :)
Nana and Papa got Alex the BEST TOY EVER! He got a toy truck with a drill. The drill has three bits and he can take apart the truck into about 30 pieces. It was THE highlight for him!

He loved the drill so much that we found him later trying to take apart the bed. What a little future engineer! Like father like son! :)

And we all got Nerf guns too -- there have been many hours of fun in the Lewis house thanks to these! :)

Forever Cousins! :)

The AMAZING view from my parents' house! I could get used to that! :)

Tracie and I made photo books for Grandma & Mom and Dad. They were a big hit! :)

Mom played Pick-up-Sticks with the kids and they actually did pretty well! Aren't they adorable! :)

Before the Christmas Eve service.

I finished knitting Alex's sweater on Christmas Day -- perfect timing! :)

Ava & Alex wrestling. They were so cute together! :)

Those crazy kids! :)

The four of us went out one night and had a GREAT time! We need to do that more often! :)

Emily had been asking for the 2010 Holiday Barbie for weeks. She even saved up her allowance money but didn't quite get enough. So, Santa surprised her and brought it! She was DELIGHTED! :)

Santa brought Alex a dump truck. He was very pleased, but soon forgot all about it when he got his drill & truck! :)

The kids were very enthralled by Papa's Story on Christmas morning.

Emily and GiGi! :)

We made reindeer food with the kids and then they poured it out for them. They were so excited to do this! :)

Here are the three older kids in their Christmas jammies. They look all snuggly warm! :)

Mom got the four of us matching aprons. The girls' one said "Hostess in Training" -- they were so cute! :)

Grandma made us beautiful bracelets that represent the 23rd Psalm. Thanks, Grandma -- they are gorgeous! :)

All of us cousins chipped in and bought Grandma this framed picture. She LOVED it! :)

Katie & Christie bought Alex an Action Bible. It is so cool -- I can't wait for him to start reading!! (Notice the blue drill in his hands!) :)

GiGi and her 4 kids! :)

Nana & Papa got Emily a horse for her and her Barbies. She opend it and instantly said "It's a BOY horse!" We asked her why it was a boy and she replied "Because it's brown". We all lost it! What a silly girl! :)

Dave & Judy got Alex a truck-sound book. He LOVES it -- thanks guys! ;)

The INFAMOUS truck! ;)

It was a Barbie year for Emily and (as you can see) she was overjoyed at the car from Ava. :)

Our beautiful children! :)

GiGi got Alex a train whistle with his named engraved on it! So perfect! :)

And GiGi got Emily some Barbie clothes -- she knew what she would like! :)

The two most beautiful girls at Christmas! :)

Alex LOVED Grandma's walker! :)

Mom made cut-out cookies and the kids decorated them. It was so much fun and they really enjoyed it! :)
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