Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday, Emily!

 Emily turned six years old this week.  We asked her what her favorite part of being five has been and she said "Riding the bus to school".  She loves school, her friends, playing with dolls and doing crafts.  Crafts, crafts, crafts -- all day if we let her!  She has grown into a very sweet and caring girl and we feel so blessed to be her parents!  Here are some pictures from her special week!  :)
 Tooth fairy pillow (very appropriate) and a beautiful necklace from Aunt Jill and Uncle Nathan.

 A highchair for Eva from Aunt Tracie and Uncle Curt.
 Mom has this really cool kaleidoscope that the kids loved when we were in Oregon.  So, we bought Emily this kaleidoscope wand.  Alex instantly asked for one for his birthday.  Good thing we bought two!  ;)
 Nana and Papa Willis bought Emily a necklace with two pendants and some fashion design stencils.  She's already drawn a few designs of her own -- watch out Vogue!  :)

 We bought Emily these fashion plates.  I remember these when I was a kid and I had to get them for her -- she's loved using the graphite to trace the plates and make her own designs.  It's been fun to watch her develop her artistic side.
 Money from GiGi and Aunt Krissy are big highlights of the day -- now she can go shopping for more things for Eva or Gracie!  :)

 Gramsy sewed another dress for Eva (which could put American Girl Doll Clothes out of business).  Nice work again Mom -- it's beautiful!!  :)
 Aunt Laura and Uncle Ben bought Emily a "make-your-own-toaster-pastries" kit.  Perfect since she requested PopTarts for her birthday breakfast!  She can't wait to make them this week!  :)

 Aunt Judy and Uncle Dave bought her two new books.  Judy, I don't know where you buy your books but they are always beautiful!  The Cinderella and Princess & the Frog book has sliding pictures that are gorgeous and will be cherished always!  Thank you!!  :)

 We bought Emily a new jewelry box.  And with all the new jewelry she got for her birthday, it was just what she needed!  :)

 We invited all the girls in her Kindergarten class to her birthday party.  Five of them were able to make it and she was so excited to have them there to help her celebrate and eat ice cream cake.  We had the party in a local park and the girls had a great time! 

Emily had a wonderful week of celebrating and thank you all for your gifts, cards and warm wishes!  :)


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