Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Camping Trip to Superior

We just got back from our camping trip to Pattison State Park near Superior, WI. It was absoultely beautiful with the tallest waterfalls in the MidWest. Emily was a real-trooper and seemed to love camping! We went hiking, played cards & "lawn-golf" and enjoyed the great outdoors -- at least some of the great outdoors. We slept in a camper that had a queen size bed and pull-out-couch, complete with dishwasher, fridge & cappuccino maker! It was rough and we suffered through it, but as you can see, we had a blast regardless of the extreme conditions! ;)

As you can see from this picture, it was actually kind of chilly while we were there. So, Emily kept warm by the campfire by being snuggled by Grandpa -- it was really sweet! :)

Emily is getting so big and starting to do a lot more! Not only is she still super-alert but she's starting to make a lot more "talking" sounds and is starting to do this for most of the time that she's awake. And yesterday, for the first time, she took a toy that Gradma had put into her hands and she put it to her mouth. I know, not a big achievement in the world's eye or by it's standards, but it was special to us! :) And not only is she holding up her head while on her belly but she's starting to hold up her shoulders and part of her back as well -- she is so awesome! I can't believe God has blessed us so much by giving her to us -- she is simply amazing and a gift from God!


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