Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Fairy-Tale Ending :)

Nelson and I went out on a date last night -- a real date! Not just dinner but we went out to a movie too! It was really nice! We hadn't been out for dinner and a movie (our favorite date activity of all time) in probably 6 months! I share all of this because something funny happened at the theatre and I just have to tell you!

We saw "Enchanted", which I have to say was a bit more child-focused than most movies we attend but it was really cute and quite funny! (For those of you unfamiliar with this film, it is one of Disney's new movies that is about this animated fairy-tale couple who get cast into New York City by the prince's evil step-mother. It's a sort-of-compilation of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White.) Anyway, when the movie finished, I leaned over and kissed Nelson. Unaware to us, there was a set of grandparents and their granddaughter a few rows ahead of us. Nelson and I were on our way out of the theatre when this grandmother stopped Nelson and thanked him, saying that her granddaughter turned around just as we were kissing and said, "Look, Grandma! It's just like the ending of the movie!" I thought this was just adorable and had to share it with the world -- or at least the small community of people who read my blog! :)


At 2:54 PM, December 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way too much PDA and in a movie theater no less. Think of the example you are setting for the younger generation, now there will be even more kissing in the back of even more movies! Shame, shame Cedarvillians...shame, shame. I think a few rounds of "Christ is all I need" is in order. :)


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