Friday, March 13, 2009

Emily's First Date

Emily went on her first date last nght. That's right, she's not even three years old and we are allowing her to date. She went out with Daddy last night on a "date" and she was so excited all day! We've been working with her and trying to get her to stay in her room when she takes a nap or at night time. Well, we have this chart (see picture), and everytime she stays in her room she gets to color in a triangle. At the end of the row, there is a reward under the flap. She finally filled in all of her triangles (took her about 10 days) and the reward was a date with Daddy to Chik-fil-a. However, she wanted a "burger cheese", so they went to Burger King instead. She was just happy as can be! She wanted to dress up in her Cinderella dress but Daddy said it wasn't going to be that fancy of a date. (Can you just imagine Nelson at Burger King with Emily in her halloween costume . . . that would have been pricelss!) She ended up wearing a pretty little dress and they went off on their first father/daughter date night. They shared a Sprite and enjoyed their cheeseburgers and fries. They even split a piece of pie . . . you have never seen a more excited and happy girl! All day she kept saying "I stay in room and can color a tango (that's triangle in Emily-speak). When I color a tango then I go on date with Daddy"! She just couldn't stop talking about it. What a hoot! :)

(And the best thing of it all is that not only did they have a great time but she is staying in her room when she lays down -- win, win, win!) ;)


At 5:47 PM, March 13, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE that idea...I just might steal it! And a date with daddy, what a great reward...that would be especially good for my two, because they rarely get to be alone with either of us! And I would have loved to see Emily in the Halloween costume at BK...priceless :) What good parenting!! --Heather

At 7:51 AM, March 14, 2009, Blogger krissy said...

She is just too cute! You guys are great parents! Cant wait for our fun weekend!

At 5:10 PM, March 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's gotta be the princess dress next time! And always Chik-Fil-A (my fave!) Good job, Emily! Love, Aunt Judy


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