Monday, February 02, 2009

7 Months Old . . . plus a few days!

That's right, Alex is 7 months old (plus a few days). I can't believe how this snuck up on us and we still have yet to get his 6 month pictures re-taken . . . hopfeully this week! :)

Alex is doing incredibly well! He has been sleeping about 12 hours a night for the last week and we are LOVING it! He has enjoyed every single food we've given him and just gobbles up everything! As you can see, he's gotten his top two teeth and he's also working on the two next to those. He is a drooling mess and his poor little face is all chapped from this -- he doesn't seem to care though! :)
Emily and Alex are still the best of buds and make each other laugh over the craziest things! I've tried to get it on video but they both get distracted by the camera -- you know how it goes!
Alex has started to scoot and is trying his hardest to crawl -- any day now and we'll be chasing him all over the house! I know we'll probably regret saying this, but we can't wait for him to start moving!! :)


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