Thursday, June 25, 2009

Alexander is One!

Can you believe that Alexander is one already? It has been an extremely quick year and we can't believe it's gone! He was such a little peanut when he was born and quickly acquired the love of food -- not quite a peanut anymore! He isn't too far behind his sister in weight and we keep warning Emily that one of these days very soon, Alex will fight back! ;)

Here are a few of our favorite pictures from the last year. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have! :)

Large eyes from day one! :)
As soon as he learned to smile and laugh, he hasn't stopped. He is such a happy little guy and his giggles are contagious. You should hear him and Emily laughing together -- it's the sweetest thing in the world! :)

This is a picture one Sunday morning before church. He loves to go to the church nursery and obviously has a great time because, he falls sound asleep in the car on the way home every Sunday!
Alex is ALL boy! He is into everything! We were outside this week and he grabbed this stick and started chewing on it. Emily looks at him and says "Eew, gross. Don't eat that, Alex -- it's dirty!" I take it away from him and a few minutes later he's chewing on another one! He must have tried to eat half a dozen sticks, leaves and rubber chips (from the playground). All boy!
This is his 6 month picture -- what a big boy! :)

I was so hoping for a red-haired child, but you have to love Alex's blonde color coming through. And with his darker skin color, isn't he so handsome?!
Alexander, although only a year old today, is a strong little tike! He stands in his crib and pulls back and forth on the front gate. You can hear it all the way down in the basement and it sounds like he's coming through the floor! He is always moving and wiggling and he loves to play in his crib! (This is usually how he reacts when we get him up in the morning or from a nap. Always smiling!)And we've recently had to install babygates. It's a strange concept for us, as we never used them with Emily (she was too afraid of the stairs to even go close to them)! Alex, however, is the exact opposite in every way possible. Emily and I were emptying the dishwasher last week and I realized that Alex wasn't near me anymore. I went looking for him and when I called out to him, he laughed from upstairs. I went running to the stairs and sure enough, there he was all the way at the top. Talk about giving me a heart attack! I immediately went out and installed the gate! :)
Alex is an absolute joy to have around and we can't imagine life without him now! Emily adores her brother and Alex just lights up when he sees her! Alex is cruising around furniture, but not yet walking on his own. I imagine it will only be a matter of weeks before he takes off. He is such a sweet-natured boy and we can't wait to see what the next year brings! :)


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