Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Alex!

We have been celebrating Alexander's birthday every since Thursday -- opening a few presents everyday and then ending with today and his train cake. He was really excited about the cake when he saw it (which made my day!) -- but quickly lost interest when he tasted it! He didn't like the frosting or the cake (which isn't too surprising -- he hasn't had too much sugar until now) and he kept trying to throw the frosting off his fingers. He did like the animal cookies on top of his cake though! :)What is this green stuff? Am I supposed to eat this?Maybe I'll like it better if I stick my whole face into it?!Nope, that didn't help! Are you sure people like eating this stuff? I may not like the taste, but it's pretty fun to smear everywhere! :)

Alex may not have liked the cake, but Emily loved it! :)
Here's Alex (after his post-cake bath) playing with all of his new toys!He LOVES the little train from GiGi (my Grandma Clouse)! Trains were definitely the theme this year -- not only with the cake but gifts too! :)

Alex had his first taste of coffee this weekend, too! ;) Only a drop left in Nelson's mug, but he was excited to "drink" from it! :)

All of Alex's birthday loot! :)

Legos from Aunt Christie -- can't wait to get big enough to play with these! :)

Rolling turtles from Mom & Dad -- these are great fun!

He's awfully excited about these new shoes from Grandma & Grandpa Cochrane! :)

And the red train that lights up and makes noise from Nana & Papa is the hit of the weekend -- thanks a lot you guys! (We can't wait for those batteries to die!) ;)

Alexander likes the popping noise this train makes from Uncle Dave & Aunt Judy . . . . . . and Emily loved the book from them too! I don't think Alex has had a chance to even look at it yet! Emily is having a hard time understanding that these new toys aren't hers and that she has to share with Alex. She told us this weekend, "I love Alex's birthday!" I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Alex! :)

Charlie the cow from Mom and Dad -- finally, a stuffed animal for me!! :)

Cool clothes from Uncle Ben & Aunt Laura -- I'm going to wear them for my 1 yr pictures! I'll look so handsome! :)

Thank you Aunt Tracie, Uncle Curt & Ava for my new stacking train. I can push it really fast on the kitchen floor! :)


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