Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Alexander!

Alex turned two on Friday and he had a great day! He asked for pancakes for his birthday meal and then we went to the end of the week VBS carnival at church. He had a wonderful day -- full of sugar and fun! :)

Here is Alex putting syrup on his letter "A" pancake. He doesn't usually get to do this on his own -- he thought he was hot stuff!! :)

Need I say more?! :)

We bought Alex a bookcase/toy shelf for his bedroom. I figured he wouldn't really care too much about it, but it's perfect height for him to play at, so he loves it! Yeah!! :)

And doesn't it look so cute in his room?! :)

Nana made him a pillow case with his name embroidered on the edge. He was instantly in love with it and wouldn't let ANYONE lay on it! So cute! :)

And of course he made Daddy read each book to him immediately. It was so fun! :)

He still doesn't watch TV and didn't care two hoots for the movie his cousin Ava got him. Luckily Emily was very excited about it! And Aunt Tracie & Uncle Curt totally redeemed themselves with that "choo-choo" they got him! :)

Would never have guessed he would be so excited about getting clothes! :)

He LOVED all his new books!

Nana and Papa bought him a turtle sprinkler -- it was the hit of the day! He wouldn't put it down the entire day! :)

Here is the train track from GiGi and another car for his train from Emily -- he just loves his choo-choos! :)

Emily drew him a picture for his birthday. She is such a sweet big sister! :)

He no sooner got that train out of the packaging and he was pushing it on the floor saying "Choo-choo". Such a boy! :)

I just loved this picture. He was trying to figure out what to do with the present! It didn't take him long! :)


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