Sunday, September 08, 2013

Visit with Mom and Dad & family

 Mom & Dad Lewis came to visit for a few days this summer.  We had a really fun time with them, playing outside and going to the Canton Classic Car Museum.  It was a wonderful weekend!  :)

 Emily had found a butterfly and was watching it flutter it's wings -- she's still our little Razzle Dazzle butterfly girl!  :)
 Nothing says summer like relaxing in the hammock...
... or pretending to sleep/relax in the hammock!  :)
 My beautiful children -- they're such a blessing to me!  :)

 There is something about Dad's hat.  The kids LOVE wearing it when he visits!
 Pretending to fish while sitting on Gramsy's lap.
 Like I said, they love Papa's hat!
 We had leftover sparklers and the kids had a lot of fun with them!

 Emily our butterfly!!  :)
 Lots of Frisbee throwing -- Alex was actually getting pretty accurate!  :)

 And we can't have a visit without a lot of gardening help from Gramsy (THANK YOU!).  They even planted some Morning Glories that have now grown into a bed of beautiful 8" tall flowers.  Emily has really taken to the task of gardening and checks on them everyday, inspecting the soil and determining whether or not they need water.  My Grandpa Clouse was an incredibly gifted gardener, and unfortunately that gene skipped right over me.  But I'm glad Emily got it -- I desperately need her help!  :)
 Dad was inspecting the undercarriage of this car, so Alex got down there with him.  Alex is so curious how things work and was fascinated by what Papa Lewis taught him!  :)
 This museum was an eclectic collection of cars and memorabilia, and it was fun to walk around and see everything.  Emily really liked seeing Punjab from "Annie"!  :)
 And of course Alex loved sitting in this little car and trying to get it to move!  He was really bummed when he realized that he couldn't drive it around!!  :)
 How fun are these!!  :)

 The museum had a Rudolph ride that wasn't working, so Alex went and got the curator to try to get him to fix it.  Alex was right there by his side the entire time.  Alex was full of questions (as usual) and the curator was so kind to him, attempting to answer as many as he could!  They never did get it to work, but they both gave it a great try!
 Alex LOVES motorcycles.  He is fascinated by every one he sees!  This one was no exception!
 Emily took Caroline for a walk with Gramsy -- they had a wonderful stroll in the fresh air!  :)

 Fun with Gramsy & Papa Lewis!

 Mom and Dad took the kids for a walk and Alex wanted to ride his bike.  I think Dad was a little surprised at how fast Alex could ride -- Dad ended up running a good part of that time just to keep up with Alex!!  :)
 And here come the girls, just leisurely walking their way home!  :)
 Silly Papa Lewis!
 Silly Daddy (I wonder where he gets it?)!
 Playing the cousins at Matt & Krissy's!  :)
 They're all growing up so fast!!
 Alex was trying to hit the kickball with the oversized baseball bat so that it would go over their roof... what a boy!!  :)
 Colesy and Emily are so incredibly similar, it's scary sometimes when we hear Emily talk and it's just like Colesy from five years ago.  They're so cute!!  :)
 And here he is!!  Shelby is introducing Max to Emily and Alex.  They were so excited to meet him!  :)
 Aaaw, he was so sweet (even though he was hungry and screaming)!  :)
 See, isn't he adorable?!

 Sweet little Max Brownlee!  :)

 Fun in the pool!

 It was a beautiful day for swimming (one of the only ones we had all summer)!  :)

 We love Gramsy & Papa Lewis!!  :)

 Not sure what they were talking about here, but isn't this just so cute?!  :)

 Look at that smile!  Think he loves the water?!  :)
What a great big sister!!


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