Tuesday, March 20, 2007

10 Months Old

That's right -- Emily turned 10 months old over the weekend. Life has been pretty crazy over here and we just haven't had the chance to blog. Last week was really hard for all of us and it is still hard to adjust to life without Nora. We still expect to see her in the morning or when we come home. She was a sweet dog and we'll miss her for a long time!

Emily is adjusting well to her new surroundings and really loving her latest gift from "Papa & Mimi" -- a Johnny-Jump-Up! We even had some nice enough weather to get outside and use her new swing-set. She loved it!! Unfortunately, she's gotten sick again and we have another appointment with the doctor today. I'm suspecting another ear infection, but I'll keep you posted.

The house is really starting to come along. Last week we mostly got unpacked and organized. We painted the guest bathroom, patched nail holes, and installed new pantry drawers, among many other things. Laura is coming up for a while and with her help, I'm hoping to start working on Emily's room next week. We will have to paint the other 3 bedrooms eventually and then we should be done. It sounds like a lot of work, but it's nothing compared to the house before! And we're loving the difference!! :)

Here are a few pictures -- thought you might like to see how things are coming along! The purple room will be Emily's once we finish painting and decorating it. Right now we're trying to patch the holes and sand everything down. The bathroom was a minty color but is now taupe with red accents -- it looks really sharp! :)


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