Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Here are some more pictures from over the last few weeks. I know I've not posted many of Emily or our guests. Hope you enjoy! :)

Also, I took Emily back to the drs office today. She is working on two of her molars and is still sick. So, Dr. Joyce said it looks like the RSV and ear infections are completely gone but she might still have a slight sinus infection. So, we're trying another week of antibiotics and we'll see how she is afterwards. And for some good news, we weighed her and she's up to 18 lbs! Only 4 more lbs and she can be front facing in her carseat!! :)

And I don't think I've mentioned it before, but we have scheduled an appointment for Emily to see a developmental specialist on the morning of April 24th. She still isn't crawling or walking and doesn't seem to be making any strides to try either. Dr. Joyce said she doesn't think there's anything to be concerned about, but we might want to talk to this specialist just to be sure (similar to her heart murmur check-up). Anyway, just wanted all of you to know and be praying for her during that exam. We'll keep you posted if anything should arise.
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! :)


At 3:07 PM, April 12, 2007, Blogger Becks & Lee said...

We will be praying for Emily's appts. Don't worry too much about the not crawling/walking stuff. (Even though I know it is hard at times!) Ezra picked up crawling about three days before his 1st birthday. And now he is really fast moving after almost 3 weeks of it! Hopefully seeing a specialist will put some worries behind you and give you some ideas of how to help her progress.


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