Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nana & Papa's Visit

Nana & Papa came to visit last week and here are some pictures.  (Sorry they're so huge -- I can't seem to change their size!)  We had a great time with them and obviously, so did the kids!  :)

Nana and Papa took them to the Akron Zoo one day.

Lots and lots of story-times!  Nana and Papa read most of the time, but Emily read a few stories to them!
We had an early birthday party for Papa and he got lots of lovin'!

Isn't she getting big?!
He is our very own little monkey!  They've found a great hiding place in a tree and Alex wanted to have a snack there that day!  :)
Emily got a pastry kit for her birthday and we waited until Nana came so that we could make them with her.  They were delicious!!  Thank you, Aunt Laura & Uncle Ben!!!  :)


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