Saturday, September 14, 2013

Alexander's first day of Kindergarten

 Alexander started Kindergarten a few weeks ago as well.  Emily started on a Wednesday and then Alex started the following Tuesday.  He was so sad to not start when she did and was desperate to play with neighbor kids -- but they were all in school.  I told him it would be ok and that him & I could do something fun together.  He looked at me and said, "That's not fun.  I want to play with kids".  Oh, mercy!  :)

 First day of school and of course he had to wear orange (it's his favorite color).  Good thing it's also our school color!  Phew!!  :)

 Nelson took the day of work so that once both kids were on the bus and gone at school all day he could either party & celebrate with me, or he could hold me while I cried.   We did a little of both!  I never thought I'd be one of those moms who would cry as their last child went off to school, but it was tough realizing that I wouldn't see either of them until the end of the day.  How did they grow up so fast?!


 Getting on the bus and following his sister's lead.  He was a champ!  :)

 There he is waving in Seat #7.  He's now made friends with this little boy and they are the best of buds!  :)
 And before we knew it, the day was done and they were being brought home. 
 He had a great first day, but he was tired and ready to get that backpack off!  :)

Here he is sitting at his desk.  There's a little boy from preschool in his class and his teacher is really sweet.  We're hoping it's going to be a good year -- so far so good!  :)


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