Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Second Prenatal Visit

Today was our second prenatal visit. I have gained three whole pounds since getting pregnant and Judy (the LPN) says I'm right on track. Good to know those candy pumpkins and midnight ice cream runs haven't done too much harm (Just kidding -- there have only been one or two ice cream runs but they were well before 7PM -- I'm in bed by 9PM, folks!).

They didn't do much at this visit but we were able to hear the baby's heart beat and hear her kick (we're calling the baby a "her" until we find out what she is for sure -- I don't like calling the baby an "it"). She was kicking almost every five seconds and it was amazing to think that there's a baby growing inside of me! Now of course I've known this for almost three months, but today it started to feel real! It's so amazing!!

As far as how I'm feeling, I'm almost back to normal. I have much more energy now and am hoping to start working more on our "rental house" -- there's a lot that needs to be done still! My sleeping paterns have been a little off the last month (getting up early mornings like 1-3AM - taking long naps during the day - going to sleep around 7PM - not being able to sleep at night b/c of the naps - waking up at 1-3AM again, etc) but the last two nights I have slept from 10PM - 6AM w/no interuptions! I'm feeling much better and am enjoying going to bed and waking up at normal times again! Praise God the first trimester is only three months long! :)

Our next visit is on November 29th where they will do a series of tests for any birth defects and we'll hear the heartbeat again then too!

Until next time...


At 6:30 AM, November 03, 2005, Blogger kirsten said...

thanks for the update! so glad to hear all is still going well and that you are sleeping better again.

wonder if you calling the baby a she is a sign of some kind?!?

At 9:14 AM, November 03, 2005, Blogger Frank Davenport said...

That is so exciting Jenn!! We are praying for you and Nelson and we are enjoying your updates! Keep 'em coming! :)

Glad that you are feeling better as well :)

Miss you guys!

At 11:28 AM, November 10, 2005, Blogger Becks & Lee said...

Wow! It is so exciting to hear a heartbeat and some kicks :o) I know that is what made it all a bit more real to us that there was a growing baby inside! Just wait until you see her or him for the first time on the ultrasound!! It is amazing! Glad to hear that you are able to sleep through the night now :o) What a relief! My next appointment is on the 29th as well! How funny! Thanks for the update once again! Love, Lee


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