Sunday, October 14, 2012

Autumn Fun

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of late.  They've been super-loving on each other and I just adore these hugging pictures!  :)

It was a beautiful Autumn day (sunny but cool), so we went hiking on this little path near our house.  I just love pictures in the Fall!  Such great blue skies and amazing leaf colors!

 Isn't she beautiful?!
 There is nothing like jumping into leaves and seeing that smile on the kids' faces!

 Action shot of jumping into a pile of leaves!


 We roasted marshmallows and the kids were on such a sugar-high!  But it was worth the later bedtime and the hyper kids to watch them have a fun Fall day!!  :)

The kids were throwing leaves at Nelson and he grabbed Emily just as she threw a pile at him.  You can't even see her face, there were so many leaves!!


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