Sunday, May 18, 2014

Merry Christmas to all!

This had to be one of the best Christmases yet!  The kids were both old enough to remember traditions from last year and they had a blast celebrating the birth of our Savior.  It was a very enjoyable break and we had a lot of fun together as a family.
 Timken hosted a breakfast with Santa again and the kids were super-excited to see him and talk with him.  But when we got there, Alex wasn't so excited anymore but rather scared.  He warmed up to Santa once he remembered that they were giving away stuffed animals, but it definitely took a while!  :)

The kindergarten classes at school had a Polar Express Day.  The kids wore their jammies, they got train tickets and went from room to room experiencing all the different aspects from the story.  He had so much fun and he couldn't wait to show us all the crafts from the day!  :)

Christmas Eve before the church service...

Alex fell asleep on the way to church (not even 6pm yet) and was groggy throughout the entire service... poor buddy.
We made reindeer food and Emily gladly went outside in the freezing cold to leave snacks for Santa's helpers.  Alex, however, was still too groggy and stayed inside under a warm blanket.  It was a long day!  :)

But of course he perked right up when we said he could open a present...

There's nothing like new pajamas!

All dressed in their new pajamas & robes, and leaving cookies & cocoa for Santa...

Christmas morning...

Santa brought Alex a bow and arrow.  He was ecstatic!


Santa brought Emily the 2013 Holiday Barbie and Prince Charming.  She couldn't have been happier!

Colesy knit a blanket for Emily's doll.  She was so excited to wrap up Caroline in her new gift!  :)

Flashlights are fun, but flashlights on your fingers are even better!

Emily bought Nelson a pair of mechanics gloves.

Alex bought Emily a flower-making-kit.  She loved it so much she tackled him into a hug on the couch!  They can be so sweet and loving to each other!  :)

Emily bought Alex a sling-shot and they ended up in a hug on the couch again!  :)

The kids get so excited to see us open the presents that they bought us.  And they've gotten pretty good at picking out things that we will love!  :)
A knitting tool -- exactly what I would love! 

And a book on woodworking -- Alex knows his daddy!  :)

Y-A-R-N!!!!  :)

Foosball from GiGi!

Wall-Tracks (Hot Wheels race tracks that go on the wall) from Mom & Dad and GiGi! 

Nelson bought tickets for Emily and me to see Wicked on the day after Christmas.  Nelson and I had seen it last summer and we knew Emily would LOVE it.  And we were right!  :)

As wonderful as all the gifts were, the best was the nativity set that we bought with some money from GiGi.  It will be a constant reminder every year of the true reason we celebrate Christmas -- the birth of our Savior. 


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