Saturday, December 14, 2013

Goofy Kids

 Nelson added a border around the playground this summer and before he could install it, we found Alex pounding one of the stakes into the yard.  He is so curious!
 We found Alex "reading" the story of David & Goliath one night in bed.  He LOVES his Action-Comic-Book Bible and this story is one of his absolute favorites - he can recite it from memory!  :)
 Picture Day at school.
 Alex has really taken to school and loves his sight words, sounding out words and writing new things.  We found him in the living room one day writing the number six.  So, I wrote out 1-6 and he copied it to the side.  He was so proud of himself - what a smart boy!!
 The kids were home one day with the flu, but ended up feeling fine by 10am.  They spent the day making Rainbow Loom bracelets and then decided to try to sell them in the driveway to whomever passed by.  They were thoroughly disappointed when they realized that it was in the middle of the day and everyone was either at work or school.  But despite not selling a single thing, they had a great time making the bracelets and hanging out in the driveway!  :)
 The fire department came to visit the Kindergarteners and they all made FireDog Dalmatian hats to wear during the visit.  How cute is that?!
 Despite how much they fight and annoy each other, they love each other more than anyone else.  Alex calls Emily his "BFF" and it's so sweet to see how they care for each other!


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