Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Emily's Neurodevelopmental Appointment

We just got back from Emily's neurodevelopmental appointment. Dr Duby (the specialist) examined her for about an hour and asked us a ton of questions. He seemed to be very thorough and was great with Emily! He said that it looks like she's right on target for her age. He said her reasoning and fine motor skills are above average but she might be a little behind with her vocal development ("at a 10 mos old level") -- but there is nothing to be concerned about -- not far enough behind to even mention, he said! He did say that her "chop-stick" method of picking things up with her 2nd & 3rd finger is strange but nothing to be concerned about either. She is using her thumb and functioning fine -- she just prefers the "asian method" more than her thumb. Silly girl! ;)

He did comment that her gross motor skills are a little behind ("at a 7-8 mos old level"). He gave us some exercises to do with her and said that we can even to go physical therapy if we want. He did stress that crawling and walking varies from child to child and she just might be a "late-bloomer". He said there is absolutely nothing to be worried about and whatever we decide to do, she will be just fine.

So, the appointment went well and the outcome was pretty much what we were expecting. We're planning to call Dr. Joyce this week and get her advice on the therapy and see what she thinks we should do. I think we will probably go to therapy -- at least hear what they have to say and see how things go. Overall, we're pleased to hear that Emily is just fine and that there is nothing more serious going on. So, good news! :)

We'll keep you posted on what we decide for our next steps. Thank you all for your prayers and support -- again, God takes care of us! :)


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