Nelson & Jenn's Blog
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The "Rental House" -- Some Before & After Shots

The rental house is as finished as we are going to make it. We have decided to sell it at auction and I'm meeting with the auction company this week to set a date. We are excited to be done with it and are very pleased with how it has turned out. It has gone through quite the transformation in the last 18 months and we're very proud of our hard work! Hope you enjoy the pictures! :)

Monday, November 27, 2006
Happy late Thanksgiving!

We went to Indianapolis for the weekend to visit Nelson's brother Nathan and his wife Jill. We spent the day with Jill's family and had a great time! And we even got to help Nathan & Jill cut down a Christmas tree. We had a blast -- and plenty to eat! Hope you all had the same!

Here is Emily's first time at a petting zoo. She was quite fascinated!

This is us with Nathan & Jill and Jill's parents on Thanksgiving Day.

Emily didn't quite know what to think about the turkey!

Friday, November 17, 2006
6 Months Old

Hello, everyone! Today is my half-birthday -- I'm six months old. So far my life is pretty fun. I am having a wonderful time with my grandma & grandpa. They are trying to teach me the numbers 1-10 in Spanish -- and it makes me laugh everytime! I'm still enjoying my bottles of formula and bowls of cereal and fruit. My third tooth is coming in (on the right of my bottom two) and it bothers me a little but not too much. Mom says this is why I'm drooling more than usual -- I just say it's because I enjoy peaches and bananas so much! :)
I'm getting much stronger every day and can put a lot of weight on my legs -- I really want to walk but just can't do it yet. I am rolling over more and more and that's pretty cool! And I'm still fascinated by my fingers and they distract me from picking up toys, but I'm ok with that. :)
I have my six month check-up next week and will let you all know then how much I've grown. Hope you enjoy the picture of me! I love you all!
Emily :)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
More pictures for you "Emily-obsessed" folks! :)

Here is Emily all bundled up for a walk -- she missed her Daddy! :)

Here is Emily with Laura's Dad -- I think he was quite smitten! :)

Laura's mom borrowed a swing from a friend for Emily to use. It had music & lights and Emily was just mesmerized by the lights! :)

We got home today to find a dozen roses from Nelson saying that he had missed me -- aaawww, what a sweetie! :)
We're Back Home!

Well, we had a great time in West Virginia visiting Laura's family. We got to see a lot of her family and many of friends -- thank you all -- we had a great time! :)
Emily had a really good time and has started rolling over much more. She is getting stuck on her belly (as you can see from the pictures) but she is still such a happy baby! And she has started teething again (drooling, fussing, chewing on things, etc.). Nothing has come through yet but it looks lik

Laura is flying back home tomorrow and then my parents are coming back to visit this upcoming weekend. They'll be here for a week and we're so excited to have them see Emily and all the new things

That's about it for us. As some of you know, Nelson took a new job with Timken (still working at the same facility and doing some of the same things as before, but now also managing the Tribology Lab). He's getting used to "management" and looking forward to learning some new things!

We've had several people come to see our house but no offers yet. And we've also put the rental house up for sale. Someone is very interested in that and just we're waiting to hear back from her. Just waiting on God's timing! :)
Well, that's truly about it for us. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the fall! :)