Emily had her 18 Mos. check-up this morning. She weighs 23 lbs and 3 ozs (43%) and she is 32" long (85%). She jumped up in heigth since her 12 month check-up -- which we figured she had since she's been "starving" the last few weeks! We just can't seem to get enough food for her and she keeps signing for more.
Emily got three shots this morning and was pretty fussy all day. To add to the distress, she is getting over a sinus infec

tion and Dr. Joyce thinks that she might have some affects from allergies as well. So, we're hoping the meds will kick in and she'll start to feel better before the holidays next week!
Other than that, life just keeps moving along as fast as ever! We're all doing well and hoping the snow will hold off for as long as possible! :)