Third Prenatal Visit

Well, here we are again. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much -- I know we sure did! I think my dad and I each ate a whole pie on our own!! Amazingly when I weighed in at the drs office, I have lost three pounds -- I've never done that after Thanksgiving! :)
We had a great time with my parents. They helped with the rental house a lot and we got tons done! It's amazing what happens when you get more people over there working together! We'll get some pictures posted so you all can see the progress. :) It was so nice to have them here for almost ten days and it was sad to see them go!
Anyway, my checkup went really well. My parents were able to come with me and hear the baby's heartbeat and hear her kick! They loved it!! The heart rate was around 160 beats per minute -- nice and strong! :)
They also did the "quad test" which measures some substances in my blood. This could detect any disorder or possible problems that have come about in the baby. I'll have the results in a week but Judy said not to worry about anything.
The truly exciting news is that I scheduled the ultrasound for December 19th -- we don't have to wait until after Christmas to find out the sex of the baby! So, stay posted! We're going to have Judy write down the sex of the baby and put it into a Christmas card, which we'll then open on Christmas morning. So be sure to check here on Christmas morning -- we'll let you know what the sex is! We can't wait!! :)
So, that's that for now. Until next time...